Tuesday, May 22, 2007

if it has to be raining somewhere, why does it have to be on my head?

Only a minor panic beginning to my day. Ever check the balance on your phone bank and find that the money that you thought was there is gone!! OMG! the sick feeling in your stomach, the searching through your memory to see if you had paid something that you had forgotten about, wondering if your spouse had done so......the panic that ensues, the horrible feeling of being inept and last but not least the tears. the kind that make you wish that you were in bed, with your favorite Miss Piggy blanket, dressed in comfy clothes, hoping and praying that the world doesn't know that you are a major screw up.
And when you finally, after the long gruelling drive, arrive to a location where you can look at the computer only to find.....OMG!! you mean that is the amount that i have left after that payment comes out?! You mean that i am not inept?! and again, last but not least, the tears. these being the ones that are evidence of the relief that you feel. they come from the very depth of your heart, they are the cleansers of your soul, and yet again your makeup is ruined. After an incident like that, you know that nothing worse is going to happen to you and you will make it through the day. I am not sure how much i like starting the day like that, let's not make it a habit.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ok, here i enter into the unknown. Well, Greetings and Salutations. the sun is shining and it is cool outside, a perfect day to be sick. Too bad i didnt think about that earlier. Ever have one of those days when no matter what you do noone is happy. Well, yesterday was one of those. So here i sit ( as a customer service rep that is what i do best) with fear and trembling , hoping that today will prove to be different. The sun shining is a good start. Breakfast was good, ok gold star there. Points are accumulating. I will keep you updated.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. i am married to the most sweet spirited man. He can walk into a room and not see a single stranger. the world is his friend. He talks to everyone and he really is interested. i love that. He has a smile that could sell toothpaste and a grin that has just enough devil in it to give me butterflies when it is present. wow! He is a keeper. However, he is truly human.

i am human myself. i have a moderate amount of patience, a good sense of humor, a quick laugh ( though at times loud), a bit of an Irish temper, and an addiction to just about anything craft oriented.

Can anyone explain to me why the part of the Irish side of me that is most abundant is the temper side?! It is a good thing that my husband is mild mannered. we balance each other out.

I have blue eyes and brown hair ( today anyway) and am a bit undertall ( 5'2") and am round. Some day i hope to obtain oblong or maybe rectangle, but for now round. i love animals, though i don't own any, babies and cherubs.


God-- fairies and all beings magical -- that all people are good( atleast til they tick me off)-- i think that things really do go bump in the night-- that it truly is darkest before the dawn -- things do look better after a good nights sleep -- Pepsi is the real thing-- A muffin every day is necessary- that there is a land of mis-matched socks -- crafts keep people sane-- puppies, kittens and babies should be kissed-- everyone needs to know someone loves them-- giving a compliment everyday makes you feel good-- and that family, though human, rank right up there with puppies.